Women In Tech | Telia Estonia
5 months (350+ hours of expected participation)
Women in Tech | Telia is a reskilling program run with the support of Telia to boost jobs in future-driven industries for women in Estonia.
During this program, 50 women in Estonia will:
get FREE access to an online course developed by Google and Coursera to develop skills that enable starting a career in IT
develop a network among the local community of learners and recruiters
develop soft-skills that support career change
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The application period has closed, but to stay informed with our new programs join our newsletter below the page.
Short Description:
Program duration: from 30th of August 2024 until January 2025
Application period: from 1st of August until 11th of August
Price: FREE
Application period: starting from 1. August.
Language: Coursera courses in English, rest of the communication in the program in Estonian
Application criteria: no previous IT-related job or learning experience required, just a motivation to pivot a career to IT + readiness to work hard & study independently.
Course structure: independent learning in Coursera (about 200h) to boost IT-related skills, webinars every third week to increase soft skills, and mandatory internship at the end of the course.
What to expect as a learner?
During the program learners will get access to a free e-course in Coursera that gives learners the fundamental skills to start working as a Data Analysts, IT Support Specialists, Cyber Security Specialists, UX designers or E-commerce Specialists. Learners can choose one course listed below.
Applicants are expected to explain through a self-analysis which course they'd prefer to learn and why. Selected participants will get a chance to meet the field professionals of Telia during the kickoff seminar. Learners are expected to make their final choice after kickoff seminar.
Finishing any of the aforementioned courses takes approximately 150-240 independent learning hours. Learners can choose their own time and speed for finishing the course, however, we expect it to be finished within 4 months (September to December). January will focus on practical tasks given by Telia which will be done in groups in the field which you've chosen.
To finish the program successfully and most importantly - get a job in the ICT field - learners must go for an internship of at least 80 hours (two full time working weeks). Internship is mandatory to successfully finish the program and get the certificate. Participants must find the suitable internship themselves. There will also be a certain amount of internship positions provided by Telia which will be available through an application process. It is possible to substitute internship with directly starting a new job in your chosen or similar field. Internship position must be secured by the end of 2024 and internship started before March 2025.
There will be additional webinars organised to increase learners soft skills and career possibilities. Those meetings are held in an hybrid mode in every three weeks. Learners can join Telia headquarters or take part virtually. The list of webinars will be published when the application period starts. In general the topics will boost skills that are important to analyse oneself regards future career choices, prepare a CV and motivation letter, develop team-working and digital communication skills, etc.
The instructors of webinars may give learners additional independent tasks/exercises to be completed before or after the webinars to deepen the learning curve. The program finishes with a practical hands-on exercise that will be solved in groups using the new skills acquired.
Example of the 2022 UX course exercise:
"Check out Lastenurk on Telia TV's website. You can also, if possible, observe how children get around there by themselves and use it. The goal of the group work is to make the Lastenurk more user-friendly for children, as well as parents. What would make the user experience more comfortable for children and their parents? What features are missing? What could be solved more conveniently? Prepare sketches of how to implement your ideas (can be low-fidelity). Point out what is already working well at the moment. Take screenshots or give examples how to convey solutions and compare how competitors have solved these things better. If possible, try it on different devices (mobile phone, computer, tablet).
Please prepare a written summary format as a pdf file. On February X, there is 3 minutes for the presentation (elevator pitch) - it is important to highlight the most important findings and suggestions."
During the whole program learners get to meet inspirational speakers and company representatives from Telia to learn more about different job possibilities in the field of ICT.
The learners will find themselves in an warm and friendly learning environment. Learners are organised into smaller learning groups of 5-6 learners, allowing to get to know each other better. The program managers are at disposal to support learners in every way they can.
Criteria for candidates
The program accepts applications from candidates, who have:
- strong desire and motivation to start a career in ICT
- ability to dedicate approximately 12-15 hours per week for studies
- basic IT skills (to search for information in web, use ready made applications, etc)
- a level of English that enables studying in English
- a previous specialization in some other field or at least 3 years of working experience after high-school
How to apply?
To apply to the program, go to the online form and provide us with the following information:
- your contact details
- link to your LinkedIn profile (if you do not have it, then now it is the time to do it ;))
- a motivation letter, where you explain your motivation and thrive to start working in the IT field, as well as your capabilities & resources for fulfilling the course criteria
- an answer to a practical exercise (you will learn more about it, when the application period starts).
The application period has closed, but to stay informed with our new programs join our newsletter below the page.
Criterias for passing the program
To pass the program, the leaner must:
- finish the chosen course in Coursera (about 150-240h of independent learning)
- attend 90% of the webinars
- go for an internship or start working in the IT field
Learners who meet the criteria above will get a certificate stating that they have passed the program.
Program is supported by

Watch video from our 2022 program (in Estonian)

Special Award from the Estonian HR Association PARE for promoting gender equality
In 2023 Telia received a special award for promoting gender equality trhough the program Women In Tech | Telia, which was run in collaboration with Smartwork Academy. Special thanks to Pirkko Saar (Telia), Ingrid Viinapuu (Telia), Elo Võrk (Telia) and Marleen Rootamm (Smartwork) for making this amazing joint collaboration happen.