Pille Beldman
Leader of the "Women in Tech Estonia Club" first chapter
Hi, my name is Pille, and I am inviting you to join the first "Women in Tech" club established in Estonia.
I am myself one of the "Work In Tech" reskilling programs graduate. During my studies and later attempts to find my way to IT, I have realised how important it is to have peer support and thus decided to gather like-minded women to support each-each in our searches for our new career path. I hope it is the start of a completely new chapter in Estonian women in tech landscape, which is not dependent on EU fundings and sponsors, but gives freedom to women to take the lead of their future!
Read more about what you can expect and how to join this club below."
About the club
Women In Tech club is a six months long chapter meant to support women to build their IT skills and professional network. IT costs 250 Euros and consists of IT studies on Coursera and meetings (virtual and physical) once per month. Why Coursera? Coursera has been chosen because it has the best value for money and more than 70% of Work in Tech graduates have pivoted their career to tech or received a better position based on Coursera courses.
To develop network and community feeling, we will have six meetings, that consist of webinars with professionals in the field, company visits, and informal gatherings. In addition we will create a community space in Slack where you can ask advice on your CV, about Coursera, etc.
Timeline: The first group launches on 3.02.2025 and finishes on 31.08.2025.
Fee: 250.- (includes unlimited access to Coursera catalog until 31.08.2025, invitation to Slack community, and invitation to six gatherings (physical and virtual). If you are hesitant to paying 250, then think this way: 250 Euros divided by 210 days means that you`ll be investing less than 1.50 Eur per day to advance your career ;)
Language: Coursera courses are in English, rest of the communication in Estonian
Women in Tech club is perfect for those who are looking for the first job in IT and those who are already working in IT but want to make the next step in your career. As Coursera includes both beginner and advanced level courses and the program provides professional network and peer support, which is is useful in both cases.
The first group has already 20 inspiring and motivated members with various backgrounds! Altogether we accept 60 members, so 40 seats still available ;)
More information about the timeline and link to the application form below.
Application and payment
03.02.2025 invitation to Coursera and Slack community
Mid-of-Februrary: virtual kick-off session where you get to know other members and what to expect from the journey. Inspirational speaker, who has changed her career to tech. Info about the next steps.
Physical meetup at the IT College (@TalTech) facilities.
Inspirational Speaker
Practical Session: Career Planning and CV Writing
Group Discussion: How to Start Learning and Build a Career in IT?
Visit to an IT Company
Opportunity to Meet Experts from Various IT Fields
Virtual meeting
How to boost your LinkedIn profile
Inspirational speaker
Physical meetup
Practical workshop about productivity
Sharing peer success stories
Graduation event (virtual)
Wrap up and mapping out next steps